Let it come


Let them come


Let them come


Let them come


Let them come


Work for it


Work for it


Work for it 


Work for it


Let it go 

The past

Let it go 


Let it go 

The chase

let it go

and everything else will come

A beautiful day at the beach

Let go

Last night I had a dream, telling me that I should let you go.

It’s my subconscious, telling me I should stop

holding on to a past

that never brought me joy.

Also, my subconscious showed me

that you weren’t bad,

but I wasn’t happy.

After months of mixed feelings,

I dreamed of this particular drawing,

and it’s the first time in a long while

I express myself again

using an image.

let go-01


It’s ironic how I was feeling terrible

over the thought of hurting someone,

and it turns out,

they’re not hurt.

It made me laugh.

It’s ironic how the people who are beneath you,

are the ones who try to push you down

to their own level.

It made me strong. 

It’s ironic how I got my book published in France,

and it got rejected in my own country,

instead of it being the opposite.

It made me happy.

After all,

it does feel better,

to not hurt someone you didn’t love,

to feel high above the person beneath you,

and to get published in France and not Lebanon.

After all,

It’s ironic to be sad over the things that made me happy.

Money, Money, Money

I burn it, 

I need it,

Maybe it’s my mania, 

maybe it’s my depression, 

or a sweet mixture of both. 

Today I saw my shrink, 

she requires money too. 

She warned me to not get into risky behavior, 

I will follow her advice. 

Everything requires money, 

I must work, 

I am working, litle by little. 

No matter for much I fall, 

my carreer will always catch me. 


I took the decision to stop chasing you and him.  

after all, nobody’s worth the chase. 

I took the decision to live without you and him.

If I were to imagine the perfect mate, he’ll be a mixture of you both. But I’m really, better off alone. 

Last night I danced my heart out for hours, it felt so good, this freedom. I haven’t danced like this for years, I should do it again.  

I looked good, I looked fit and beautiful, people thought I was working out. 

In reality I just got stressed and depressed, but I came out happy as fuck. 

Everyday I write down 5 positive things that happened to me, and ever since I started doing that, I started to see that life wasn’t bad after all! 

I’m excited to grow into the woman i’ve always wanted to become. 

Beautiful Sex

It was a hot summer evening,

I love summer evenings,

It took me hours to get there,

even posponed some appointments and plans,


Stupid things I do

to get with you.

Everything was so warm and beautiful,

yet cold and confusing at times,

and between this mixture,

of love and hate,

or just attraction and repulsion,

we found ourselves ravaging each other

between bedsheets

sweat dripping from your forehead to my belly

and a nice shower to cool things off,

a shower intended to get us clean and not dirty,

and then I say something stupid

that set u off

and I leave.

I enjoyed this beautiful memory

spent with an ugly beautiful man.