Conclusions ?

So my ex husband is an idiot

The men I met through tinder are also idiots

The guy i’m friends with is also so emotionally and sexually immature

The avoidant was emotionally immature but sexually okay

I need an emotionally and sexually mature man

A sexy man

Who’s not afraid of showing his feelings and has boundaries

And respects boundaries

His love is stable

He’s not dumb emotionally

All of these men are emotionally dumb (or sometimes dumb in real life) they act like children who have no idea what relationships or love are

I was emotionally immature too, and I’m still working on that

I’m still trying to let go of my inner child tantrums and behaviors

So many people are stuck in this phase!

Anyways my focus should be me 🙂

A sexy mature emotionally stable man

Who doesn’t waste his time with emotionally immature people

Who has boundaries and respects them and respects other people’s boundaries

Who is confident in himself but not cocky and definitely not insecure

A secure man

Who doesn’t care about perfection and appearances and shallow things

He can care about his health and looks but they’re not the only thing in life and he doesnt need to try too hard

Doesnt have fantasies of the perfect woman

Doesn’t only think with his penis

Has a big heart and a big mind

Wise, mature, deep

Loving, caring, gentle, stable

I hope i’ll become the stable wise mature woman I thrive to be

I feel I’m on the way! 🙂

My dream

Not only I wish to achieve financial independence, a fixed income and a work visa

But a world where I am independent of you!

A world where my existence isn’t shattered because of you

You you you and you

Every one of you

A world where I stand strong in my power

And feel happy that you no longer affect me

A world where I can say “take it or leave it” and actually deal with it

Without being shattered

he’s living his best life

he crashed his car, he doesn’t need it anymore

and he doesn’t want to split it

and got himself a new car

he went on smiling, going on several adventures

where was his adventurous spirit when we were together?

he’s cooking, living, smiling

he never smiled in a picture before I met him

now he’s happy…



He said he’s roam the world not talking to anyone not contacting anyone if I left him…….

He also said he’d live on the streets…..

I always wanted him to move on in a healthy way

and now he did.

It’s just painful to see

where I am

and where he is.

He’s got an appartment

a job

a new car

new adventures

and he’s living his best life with his best friend.

That other guy

the fun guy

the guy that I wondered if he was like him.

Why was he so boring with me?

So locked up at home?

He can’t control me if he took me out much.

The only fun we had was when his friend took us out.

His friend was the wild adventurous one.

He was wild in a different way, in a way I don’t actually like.

I don’t think I’d like any of them

it’s just I liked that the other guy was spontaneous and took us to many places and had it good.

He didn’t have it that good

before he met me he didn’t have much.

Then he got a nice job, and now without me, he has more money to spare I guess.

Although it seems weird, because I didn’t eat as much as him, and now I feel I can afford most things I could have bought before.

I even bought new pjs, nice food, beauty and hair products, shaving cream and everything he used to get me.

And weirdly enough I still have money to spare.

I’m biking and walking more, and today I went swimming, something I couldn’t do with him

and didn’t have the support not the motivation anymore to do it alone.

I’m surprised how he managed to dive with his stupid blocked nose.

He nagged my head when I took him snowboarding so I don’t understand where his happy spirit comes from

maybe it’s just for the photo

just to show off that he’s happy without me and having a great life without me.

Some weird woman is liking his pics, she’s wearing something revealing…

again… he’s like; look at me now, a new happy improved fun adventurous man

open for love and dating.

I bet he downloaded tinder or one of his other disgusting dating apps.

I bet he acts like a single man now and he doesn’t really talk to them about me or mention the marriage.

He presents himself like his new single guy.

Now his profile looks almost exactly like it did when I first met him.

It’s scary how he could delete everything and start fresh and act as if nothing happened.

Jesse Meester style.

Some disgusting woman will hump his disgusting self.

He will have sex on the bed we used to share.

He will tell her the same story.

Or no story at all…. just act like he’s some new single man…

I feel idiotic for keeping the images and pictures.

I live here in a shelter, hiding, with a secret identity, new phone number, keeping it low,

trying not to show where I am and what I do.

While he lives his best life, shows off his new car and new adventures with his friend.

He never cared so much about social media as he does now.

He never took a picture of me himself and shared it. Only pictures of us, and I’m the one who usually starts.

He never took a picture of a place we went to and shared it. I was sharing most of the things.

Now he takes pics and shares them? Now he’s all into sharing on instagram?

Now he’s into smiling in pictures?

Why did I marry this pig????????

He NEVER cared about going to the gym, and NOW he wants to go and talk about deciding the days?

He made me HATE life and now he shows off how much he’s enjoying it?

He wanted to do nothing but game and stay home and watch series.

Now he’s all active all of a sudden?

Going out and about?

What a dickhead.

A real one.

And to think that this guy said he can’t live without me.

That I am the best thing that ever happened in his life.

What a load of crap…

And his mother… she never bothered talking to me…

Where is ‘if you mess this up the whole family will be against you’ ??

Where is that? Or is it just stupid words

Like those stupid people who just say ‘if he hurts you I’ll go after him!’

and then they do nothing.

Don’t speak things you won’t do.

I am unfortunate because I crossed his path.

It’s a shame how I treated him and his family and how my family treated him and his family.

It’s a shame how I spent hours drawing him and us.

Nobody bought these cursed drawings.

The first thing he does was go diving, cancel the airbnb, apply for divorce, look for a new car.


Why did you do this

why did you turn out this way

why did I fall for you

and stay with you despite my unhappiness

I thought you were the right one

the one I chose with my mind

My heart at first was happy, then my heart became wary

wary of your disrespect, that started in tiny doses

from arguments over insignificant things

and then escelated to yelling

then to name calling

then to threats

then to threats of using violence.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Couldn’t you see that you’re behaving badly?

Couldn’t you see that you’re not the man you’d like to think you are?

Not the man I dream of?

I’m not guilty for not loving you properly

I couldn’t love you properly when it hurt and felt scary

When my happiness didn’t matter, only yours

when I chose to ignore my feelings in favor of yours

to sacrifice my happiness, thinking that it will do me good later

do you good, do us good

I thought I would have a perfect life here in Sweden with you

I thought I managed to get the right man in the right place

now I am no longer sure if any place is the right place

and I know you’re not the man I dream of

you shattered my dreams

just because they didn’t look like you

or fit you

I don’t know why I couldn’t chase my dreams

I was too scared

too afraid of going back to my country

too scared of facing my feelings and having to leave you

leaving you was a thought I dreaded

a thought I leanred to push down and bury

a thought I repressed and tried many times to distract myself from

leaving you meant going back to the place I am trying to leave

leaving you meant forgetting about you forever

I stayed with you despite the disrespect

hoping you would change, you promised you would

you made so many promises

that you broke little by little

I don’t know why my instinct was to trust you in the beginning

and feel happy and safe

I felt so safe back when I came to Sweden for the first time

but my safety came from the fact that I was protected

I had a family to look after me, pick me up, care about me

and you were doing all you can to respect that and make me feel safe

why did you insist on making me feel safe

to strip me from it later?

Who are you?

Why did you show you were such a nice guy

but you weren’t

you were nice to me and mean to the other lady

you were not a nice person

you were acting nice

You didn’t even know it was an act

I didn’t know it was either

I fell for it

I don’t even know what it was

but it was something so strong

yet I wasn’t that happy.

I remember that my memories of us didn’t make me as happy as memories I had of my trips to sri lanka and bali and snowboarding in norway

I had happier days before I met you

and then my happiness went up and down.

but I still feel my memories of us weren’t as joyful to me as they were to you

You come from a background that is more rough and sad

but then you became your background

you became rough and sad

rough with me

Not nice

snappy at everything

small insignificant useless things

you just want to control me because I always wanna leave you

instead of let me leave you

and I was a fool, I was too scared to leave

too scared to pack my luggages and go back to Lebanon and never look back

it wasn’t easy to pack

it wasn’t easy to leave

it still isn’t easy

it was a really hard yet easy decision

easy because I knew back then that you lose your chance forever

hard because it comes with a lot of pain.

A pain of going through the memories

wondering what happened, why?

understanding why yet not feeling happy with the knowledge

feeling scared



You don’t know what love is

you never received it

or anything close

but now when you receive it, you don’t recognize it anymore

you destroy it

you abuse it

you think it’s weakness and you feel powerful.

This is really sad to think of

I feel sad for myself and sad for you

I feel sad and sorry for how you are

and how you might never wake up and realize that midst everything I did love you

even if now my feelings are changing


I have so many things

yet nothing

he’s gone

and he doesn’t care

he always claimed to have loved me

now he is gone

he doesn’t answer

doesn’t reply

I don’t understand men anymore

they say they love you

they want you

chase you

then they have you

then I don’t know what I want

who I want

who’s in my heart

what’s in my heart

what do I want

I’m lost and confused

and I have nothing

everything I had

will soon be stripped away from me

this whole experience

was like some weird long dream

in a weird long coma

but I’m not sure if I have woken up

or if I’m still in it

I wish I followed my heart

and not my head

but my heart would have lead me to the same thing

I just wish I took my time

been patient

less desperate

and throwing myself at love

I wish I decided my life differently

now I’m ending in regret

I wish so many things

but you can only move forward

in this life

never back

Grown up

I fell I’m maturing

I’m more aware of my feelings

I would like to move on

But I’m interested in seeing what’s gonna happen next

I don’t know what’s he about

And why he flirts then backs off.

Why is he hot n cold.

I don’t get it.

Maybe I’ll never get it but I have a feeling I will one day,

Understand everything.


My life is a loop

I liked a guy

Now he’s nowhere to be found

A guy liked me but I stayed away

Cause I liked the other guy.

Now I got no one.

I could have liked the guy who likes me

But I felt cautious.

If I go out with him, many people know him.

I don’t wanna be popular anymore.

I don’t wanna date just to date.

Thank you snowboarding

For letting me fall

Countless times

Teaching me that I’ll always recover

To a certain extent

Teaching me that life happens outdoors

That nature reduces anxiety

Sports are fun

Making new friends is super fun

Meeting new people

Riding together

Riding powder non powder




Having a great time

Fun conversations on the lifts

Best way to socialize