A beautiful Mess

it’s an ugly

deceiving world

we live in 

ugliness roams

inside our hearts

my life is consuming me

like a cigarette

I burn between its lips

and I let burn

those who inhale me

I leave nothing but stains

inside their hearts

for I am a stain myself

locked up behind

a beautiful presence

and deep inside

I’m nothing but 

a beautiful mess. 

Rough day

I got a beagle, I named her Stella

she was 6 month old

and she’s been with me for 5 days now

and I’m already tired

I’m not used to running around and walking everyday

but I should get used to it.

If only, I can learn how to train her

or get help 

I want to be able to have time for myself without her being sad

She’s so cute and she always wants love and attention

even if i take her out with the kids and spend 2 hours running and playing