Processed Feelings

Yesterday I was on a camping trip,

We had fun, 

Illustrating, singing, playing guitar, 

setting up fire, smoking, grilling, 

preparing food, 

Socializing, making new friends,

everything was good. 

Except that bottle of PUCK

(puck is a lebanese cheese brand) 

it had something suspicious written on it: Processed Cheese

Bad marketing strategy… 

But later that night, around 5:30 AM

when I was desperately trying to find comfort in the tent,

trying to sleep,

my brain started processing all of my feelings, 

And after 1 month and 1 week of the breakup, I saw a movie of the whole relationship

And lots of feelings and thoughts hit me

It crushed my heart,

I went through your pics by accident today

It made me feel pain inside and discomfort… 

Nothing worse than processed feelings. 

Here’s a sketch I made when I was back in Paris….